c# sql

April 20, 2010

Back button refresh page

There are situation wherein you need to reload the page/control state after browser’s “Back” button is pressed.

For example: If you have a checkbox, If someone clicks on checkbox  postback and selectedindexchange/checkedchange event is fired. Once browser’s back button is pressed, page is refreshed but still the checkbox is checked.

Below is the solution for this.

protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)



April 15, 2010

Bind XML to Nested Repeater

A simple method to bind nested repeaters with xml upto level3 ( you can go upto n level with this method).
Easiest and simplest method.
<!– Xml file to be used –>
<Level1 Name=”Level1″ id=”L1″>
<Level2 Name=”Level2″ id=”L2″ >
<Level3 Value=”28″ id=”L3-1″ sortkey=”1″></Level3>
<Level3 Value=”28″ id=”L3-2″  sortkey=”2″></Level3>
<!– End XML –>
<asp:Repeater runat=”server” ID=”rpt1″>
<%# ((System.Xml.XmlNode)Container.DataItem).Attributes[“Name”].Value%> //Level1
<asp:Repeater runat=”server” ID=”rpt2″  DataSource='<%# ((System.Xml.XmlNode)Container.DataItem).SelectNodes(“Level2”) %>’> //Bind level2 nodes
<%# ((System.Xml.XmlNode)Container.DataItem).Attributes[“Name”].Value%> //Level2
<asp:Repeater runat=”server” ID=”rpt3″  DataSource='<%# ((System.Xml.XmlNode)Container.DataItem).SelectNodes(“Level3”) %>’> //Bind level3 nodes
<%# ((System.Xml.XmlNode)Container.DataItem).Attributes[“Value”].Value%> //Level3
Now Bind the Level1 Repeater with below code..
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.Load(MapPath(“../../test.xml”)); //Path of your xml
XmlNodeList nodes =
doc.SelectNodes(“Root/Level1”); //The first level you need to bind
rpt1.DataSource = nodes;

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